Category Archives: Chickens

Hoot’N Owl Homestead

Okay so I think it’s SO cool that some people have “official” names for their farms.  I have been attending the Ladies Homestead Meetings at Lazy B Farms and just love the people I’ve met there.  We recently did an all natural first aid remedy swap (is that enough adjectives for you?).  I noticed that on all the labels, they put a cute name for their farm or homestead or business.  I loved it.  I don’t really have a farm since I just live in a regular house in a cul-de-sac, but I do like to consider myself a small homesteader!  So I decided to be “cool” like them and have my own name.  Hoot’N Owl Homestead was created!  Do you like it?  Well, I LOVE owls so I knew it had to have an owl in it! I plan to market a few things as I learn to make all-natural products, so now I can put my Hoot’N Owl label on them.

For now I’m starting with my homemade face wash, toner, and tooth paste.  I’ve been using these products for a while now and just love them.  I would also like to help advertise other people’s homemade products, so if you have something you’d like to share or sell, please let me know!

I also want to learn more about homemade soy-free chicken feed.  Now that I have 4 hens, well they are chicks right now, I’ve been learning about how to make your own feed.  It seems like it will be about the same price as buying it elsewhere without the hassle of shipping or driving to pick it up.  Today I made up a big batch of homemade feed and they seem to really like it!  I need to get some grit (oyster shell or something) since they are no free-ranging yet.

Update on the homestead: Chicks and bunnies are 3 weeks old now.

The chicks have almost all their feathers already and are getting huge! I think they are outgrowing their brooder (or is it brooding?) box.  However, we haven’t built their chicken coop/tractor yet!!  Actually we have a wonderful friend who is giving us her old chicken tractor.  She is out growing it (with a new batch of 20 chicks!).  They are switching to a PVC chicken tractor…so we get their old one!

The bunnies have also grown so much!  They have all their fur and look just like miniture rabbits! I still can’t tell which ones will have regular ears and which will have lop ears, and we have no idea which are boys and which are girls!  We are going to keep one girl and sell the rest.  I think I have 4 sold already! They are totally cute and so sweet.  In the last couple days they have all come out of their nest inside the “coop” part of their tractor and ventured out into the “run” area.  They are all happily eating grass with their mom!  They are so sweet and cute!

The garden is growing and looking delicious!  The cabbage looks like a cabbage patch baby will be born any minute. 🙂  I can hardly wait to harvest them.  I have never grown cabbage or cauliflower since I have never had a spring garden.  The spinach is finally starting to grow, but the lettuce isn’t doing so well.  Radishes are almost ready for harvest and little carrot tops are poking out of the ground.  I had to battle with earwigs, but I won!

Compost pile is growing and doing great as well.  But I keep forgetting to keep it moist. 😦

That’s about it for now.  Next plans:  Make more homemade products, get my other garden area ready for summer planting, and get some seeds started again!



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Filed under Chickens, Homesteading, Rabbits